
Did the Prophet SAW drink alcohol
Aisha ra said Allah SWT serves Prophet Muhammad SAW
Prophet SAW orders his wives to drink his pee
Killing black dogs
The Prophet SAW cursing a lot
The Prophet SAW married his aunt
The Prophet SAW wanting a woman to be his queen
Get tabook for yellow girls
Prophet SAW has sins quran sunnah
Jews claim Prophet Muhammad SAW is a terrorist
Putting water between Fatimas
Piercing eyes uranians
Prophet SAW wearing women cloth
Satanic verses
Captives of awtas
Abu Sufyan raping the Prophet SAW
Entering upon um haram
Prophet trading slaves
Anektaha hadith
The Prophet SAW is a womanizer
Magic argument
Quran plagarized from poetry
Muhammad SAW killed 3000 people. Why not accept Joseph Smith
Killing Geckos
No people would succeed with women
Whoever contradicts islam is killed
No witness to revelation
Proposing marriage to a baby
Torturing a man for money
Abused woman with green skin hadith
Right hand possession
Abu huraira copied Jewish texts
Linguistic errors
Moon god
Christians and Jews take on muslim's sins
Epilepsy argument
Prophet gaining money from war booties
Maryia Rayhana
Muslims always respond with evil
Makkah did not exist
Umar brougnt like the Quran
Stoning monkeys
Bond women awrah