Surah rum false prophecy

Surah rum prophecy also responds to the arguments it is false Al-Mubarakfouri (d. 1353 AH) writes: قوله : ( ظهرت الروم على فارس ) أي غلبوا عليهم ( فنزلت الم غلبت الروم إلى قوله يفرح المؤمنون أي فقرئت لأن نزول هذه الآية كان بمكة his saying (the Romans won against Persians) means they won the battle ( so the verse concerned was revealed) means it was read because this verse was revealed in mecca. •📖 {Tuhfat al-Ahwazy | 8/205} Second every single commentator except 2 agree the verses were revealed in mecca not Medina. Third Al-Mubarakfouri highlights weakness in hadith as At-Tirmidhī himself weakned it because of a narrator named « ‘atiyah » in the chain of transmittion who is severely criticized ( if you say why did Darussalam authenticate it? Simply because they’re leniant.