Mountains fixing up earth

shows a closer look at the Earth's crust and upper mantle. It shows that the mountains thrust the mantle downward and they have roots beneath. To have the mountains in isostatic equilibrium they need to have roots inside the upper mantle. This is one of the assumptions of Airy (1855); such roots represent masses, which are known as compensation masses. The geometry and density of such masses play the main role in an isostatic equilibrium. Different geometries and densities of the compensation masses can keep the crust in equilibrium long link Spongebob Spongebob long link long link Abstract We investigate the effects of large-scale surface topography on ground motions generated by nearby faulting. We show a specific example studying the effect of the San Gabriel Mountains, which are bounded by the Mojave segment of the San Andreas fault on the north and by the Los Angeles Basin on the south. By simulating a Mw 7.5 earthquake on the Mojave segment of the San Andreas fault, we show that the San Gabriel Mountains act as a natural seismic insulator for metropolitan Los Angeles. The topography of the mountains scatters the surface waves generated by the rupture on the San Andreas fault, leading to less-efficient excitation of basin-edge generated waves and natural resonances within the Los Angeles Basin. The effect of the mountains reduces the peak amplitude of ground velocity for some regions in the basin by as much as 50% in the frequency band up to 0.5 Hz. These results suggest that, depending on the relative location of faulting and the nearby large-scale topography, the topography can shield some areas from ground shaking. long link “Mountains have proven to be slightly helpful when it comes to preventing earthquakes. Mountains have the ability to direct the earthquakes to another region where they tend to become more powerful than their original magnitude.” “According to the research of Professor Mark van der Meijde, mountains influence the impact of earthquakes. It was already known that the topography of an area has an influence on earthquakes, but the major influence at the local level is new. Mountains can reduce the power of quakes, but also direct them to certain places, making them more powerful than expected.” “The research started after the earthquake in Kathmandu (Nepal) in 2015. More than 100,000 people were expected to die, but in the end around 1,700 people in Kathmandu and 11,000 throughout Nepal died as a result of the earthquake. A lot of research was done, but so far, researchers had not determined why there were so few victims.” Keep in mind that Nepal is considered one of the top countries with many mountains… - Aslam alikum Today we will answer a claim about surah An-Nahl In verse 15 when allah says 《 وألقى في الارض رواسي أن تميد بكم 》 The first claim is that why did allah said (ألقى) Isn't that mean he Throw those rawasy wich is mountains ? Because this is sintafic mistake that is not haw mountain are formed . The answer is very simple and I will bring the tafsire of both ( altabary ) and ( Fakhruddin Al-Razi ) Both saide that the word (ألقى) doesn't mean Throw but instead it means (جعل) wich is made or created and not throw These two squalors understood the meaning of this verses before the field of Geology's existence Spongebob The second part of the claims is that Quran makes the claim that the mountains are stabilizing the Earth crust which is scientifically wrong mountains does not stabilize Earth there is no scientific evidence for that so this is a scientific error in the Quran The answer. In Geology field it's not that simple to prove or disprove any theory because it's based upon speculations supported by some mathematical explanations yes we have the equipment we need to see the geological structure of the Earth's crust but we still have problems with understanding the mechanisms of some Natural phenomenas like earthquake and what's happening during it Spongebob But even so there is scientific theories that support what the Quran For example we know that the Earth crust has the structures that we call mountains and mountains are distributed in the Earth's crust and we know that there is the mountains that we can see which is above the surface of the water and there is another types of mountains that exists under water surface we call them Seamountain the the interesting thing is that there is some theory made by some geologists saying that this sea mountains act as a Heroes because they are helping in Halting a subduction earthquake in it's track So they are associating in the stabilization of the outer crust the we live on or it will case a tsunami that will destroy everything Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob And the other hand there is another theory it's called The isostasy Theory this city says that during an a collision of the internal Earth crusts that will cause a Instability the Earth's tectonic layers so what happens is that the eyes of Stacey mechanism causing a formation of two parts the first part is the pics of the mountains that we can absorb and see which we call them the mountains and the second part which is the mountain roots which is the part that we cannot see and this part is a structure that goes deep to the internal layers of the Earth and stabilizing these layers to certain level Scientists also says that when the earthquakes are done and finished the eyes of Stacy mechanisms will make these mountains disappear because the purpose of this Mountains from the first point is stabilizing the equilibrium stability of this Liars and so the mountains will slowly disappear and it goes to the original structure which is a straight line so we can conclude that yes the mountains do stabilize the Earth because during earthquakes that are Stacy mechanism have to form this mountains in order to stabilize these lies and after the earthquake is done we see that the purpose of this mountains are already done so we don't need this mountains anymore so that's why this mountains are disappearing the only reason that this mountain does not disappear that fast is because the making of us Stacey makes it slower than it normally should. Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob From 19:11 Do Mountains Stop Earthquakes? Mountains are considered to be the nail that holds the Earth together. This process is known as Isostasy. This is the process of stabilizing the Earth using the stress of gravity from the mountains. They play a major role in keeping the Earth in balance. long link ———————————————————— Addressing Common Claims Against These Verses 👇 “What does it mean for the mountains to stay in place?” It means they have to be fixed relative to us standing local to them. The ulama have explained that they move as our tectonic plates move, and and the Mufassireen have stated that the mountains keep us steady on our land, ergo, no net movement in relation to us standing on the same plate. ———————————————————— “Oh but the mountains are moving as the tectonic plates move 😱” The mountains are in place relative to us. If you stick a toothpick in a blob of clay and throw it in a river, is the toothpick moving relative to the blob of clay? Or are their relative velocities 0? The answer is of course the latter, and the mufassiroon explained that this ‘firm placement’ is in reference to our viewpoint ———————————————————— “but even then, the mountains vibrate in each direction, they don’t just stay in place!!” Yes, the mountains vibrate about their fixed positions but their overall net movement relative to us is zero. They vibrate very negligibly, only a few nanometres in each direction, and it is about their fixed axis. There is no net movement. Thus they are indeed firmly cast in place, not moving. ———————————————————— “okay.. but that still doesn’t prove that the mountains are placed firmly into the ground!! They just form through plate boundary collisions!!” What do you think it means for something to be placed ‘firmly’ into the ground? Do you think it’s like your wardrobe standing atop your ground? Do you think it’s like your wardrobe where if you push it a bit it gets knocked over? Mountains aren’t just flatly ‘placed’ and situated atop the ground - not at all. The Mufassireen explain that the mountains keep the earth stable by being rooted into the ground and holding it in place. Now if you want to contend this, recent research does indeed show this: Crumpling and thickening of the crust appears to be secondary to another process in the formation of the Calabrian mountains. Data points to descension of the lower plate through the Earth's mantle and its alteration of the mantle flow field as the primary factor controlling rock uplift. "The results suggest that the typical way we view mountain building doesn't hold for southern Italy," Gallen said. “It appears to be controlled by things that are much deeper within the Earth system. This behavior has been seen in models but never in nature. This is the first time we think we've observed it." Now this research is very recent, and of course more data needs to be collected. Gallen herself cautioned that more data is needed to confirm whether their interpretation is correct, but it is backed by existing numerical models. Scientists have previously connected mountain height to tectonic plate interactions within Earth's plastically flowing mantle, but this research indicates for the first time that this mechanism is the dominant force in mountain building in subduction zones. This finding is in accordance to what has been mathematically modelled about mountain formation, but it has only recently been established empirically "The records we have produced imply that deep earth signals appear to dominate what's happening at the surface," Gallen said. "I've been working in the Mediterranean for 15 years, and this result has profoundly changed the way I think about these subduction zones." ScienceDaily Below the surface: Researchers uncover reasons to rethink how mount... A study suggests that the answers to how and why mountains form are buried deeper than once thought. Clues in the landscape of southern Italy allowed researchers to produce a long-term, continuous record of rock uplift, the longest and most complete record of its kind. So you anti Islamic polemical fool.. the cultivation of mountains depends on processes far lower in the earth than you thought… the mountains are indeed firmly placed therein just like a tree is rooted in the ground, and not just placed atop of, otherwise it would really stabilise anything would it.. For more reading 👇 The Times of India ‘Mountain formation shows us movements in deep Earth’ - Times of In... Maureen Long teaches earth and planetary sciences at Yale University. ‘Mountain formation shows us movements in deep Earth’ - Times of In... ———————————————————— “but.. but.. mountains don’t prevent earthquakes.. nor do they lessen them.. no no instead they.. they cause them!!!!” Cause them in what way exactly? The only way for mountains to “cause” earthquakes are either through erosion of their surfaces causing landslides or other geographical phenomena Mountains do not inherently cause external ‘earthquakes’ but rather it is a secondary and indirect happening based upon the erosion of the mountain surface which may lead to earthquakes occurring It’s like saying ‘the rain causes crops’ Which obviously does not follow predicatively As for the saying that when tectonic plates collide, both mountains form as well as an earthquake happens - this is not at all relative to our discussion as the mountain itself is not what is causing the earthquake, rather they are two occurrences happening adjacent to each other and mountain composition is not causative for earthquakes Now on the contrary, mountains actually serve to reduce the effect of earthquakes, or sometimes even prevent them “ Mountains have proven to be slightly helpful when it comes to preventing earthquakes. Mountains have the ability to direct the earthquakes to another region where they tend to become more powerful than their original magnitude.” Spongebob “These sea mountains are most popular for blessing us with their power of stabilizing the Earth. “ Now to say that the mountains actually directly cause the earthquakes is erroneous once again Spongebob Volcanic eruptions, movement of the plates beneath, etc, are not from the direct imposing of the mountain itself So to say it’s the MOUNTAIN causing those earthquakes and not things complimentary but separate to it, is false. In fact the very same article says “Mountains are associated with earthquakes because they are the most exposed areas.” Which further alludes to the non direct involvement of mountains ‘causing’ earthquakes “The next important purpose it serves is that it helps in disaster risk reduction. They spread the earthquakes over a large area. This helps lower the magnitude of the earthquake each part faces.” So mountains help in both preventing earthquakes as well as lessening their effect. Read the following article with care as we’ve highlighted some inconsistencies but nevertheless 👇,biggest%20mountains%20collide%2C%20earthquakes%20happen.