Why Islam is the truth

Argument #1 – Muhammad ﷺ could not have been lying

Let’s go back to the beginning 1400 years ago a man called Muhammad ﷺ claimed to be a prophet of God. Was he actually truthful in his claim? Well let’s look at the objections then we can assess these objections and rule them out. So, the question is, was Muhammad ﷺ truthful with his claim of being a prophet or did he have an ulterior motive?


An absolute ridiculous objection levied by Christians. They claim that Muhammad ﷺ was deceived by the devil. This is a very easy claim to refute and I can do this using the Bible. The reason why I am going to use the Bible is because who is making the claim? The Christians. What is the Holy book in Christianity? The Bible, therefore I will use the book they believe to be from God to refute them. In the Gospel of Luke, it says “If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub.”[1] So, in other words if Satan curses himself his kingdom would fall. So, if we go along with the Christian claim that Muhammad ﷺ was deceived by the devil and thus Islam is from the devil we must then ask if the Quran (the Holy book for Muslims) curses Satan. Well, does it? YES! In Surah An-Nahl (chapter 16) verse 98 Allah says “فَإِذَا قَرَأْتَ الْقُرْآنَ فَاسْتَعِذْ بِاللّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيم” So, when you recite the Qur’an, [first] seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the accursed. So, the Quran literally calls Satan accursed, the verse in the Quran instructs the readers to seek refuge in God from Satan the accursed. How can this be from Satan? Satan calls himself accursed. There is more though. In chapter 24 verse 21 “O you who believe! do not follow the footsteps of the Shaitan, and whoever follows the footsteps of the Shaitan, then surely he bids the doing of indecency and evil; and were it not for Allah’s grace upon you and His mercy, not one of you would have ever been pure, but Allah purifies whom He pleases; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing.” “Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you; so, take him as an enemy”. 35.6 There is also Surah Falaq ( Chapter 113) and Surah Nas (Chapter 114) which is all to do with protection from Satan. From his whispers from temptation. [2] “And the devils have not brought the revelation down. It is not allowable for them, nor would they be able. Indeed they, from [its] hearing, are removed.” 26. 210-212 Christians typically cite Galatians 1.8, however they ignore how the verse they cite refers to a Gospel and the Quran is not a Gospel, moreover they do not look at the context for Galatians 1.8, they should. So not only does the Quran refute the claim but the Christian’s holy book, the Bible refutes the claim Muhammad ﷺ was deceived from the devil.[3] Now that objection has been dealt with. We can move onto the others.


An interesting objection levied by some people is that Muhammad ﷺ was a liar. He lied about his claim of being a prophet. Why would one lie? They would lie for material gain such as money, power and women. So, one has to question if this is what Muhammad ﷺ was after. Well let’s see shall we. In “The Sealed Nectar” page 103 and 104 we read. The Quraysh made Muhammad ﷺ many offers. If you read “The Sealed Nectar” page 103 to 104. Where Utbah approached Muhammad ﷺ and offered him riches “Oh nephew if you are doing all this with a view to getting wealth, we will join together to give you greater riches than any Qurayshite has possessed. If ambition moves you, we will make you our chief. If you desire kingship, we will readily offer you that. “Muhammad ﷺ then replied reciting from the Quran chapter 41 verse 1-5. He then told Utbah “You have heard my reply. You are now free to do whatever you please. [4] There you go. He was offered riches, to be the richest Qurayshite in fact and he rejected. He was offered power and he rejected. It needs to be noted that was very early on in his prophetic career as well. If he was a liar, he would have eaten this offer up. But he rejected. What else could people say he could have done it for? Women? Ok I will address that as well. He married more than four wives in his life time. The only virgin he married was Aisha RA. Everyone else was not. Some were older than him like Khadijah and Sawda and others were younger. Critics refer to the report in Tabari. Now this is not authentic due to Al-Kalbi being in the chain of narration and he was known to be a liar, but let’s assume it is authentic. Spongebob Spongebob They say this report calls him a “womaniser”. [6] The issue is if you read the Arabic, the word used is not womaniser and the footnote you see above says that Muhammad ﷺ has “wives”. Moreover, this report refutes the claim of the people who say he was in it for women. Why? Because if you read the report a woman called Layla offered herself in marriage to him, the prophet responded yes. When Layla went back to her people and told them they said that you are a jealous woman and that you will be jealous because Muhammad ﷺ had other wives. So, she went back and asked to cancel the marriage and the Prophet said “YES!” why would he reject if he was in it for the women as people try and say it does not make any sense. Moreover, there is a reason why he married different women, why? To consolidates relationships with others. He did not marry more women out of his physical desires for he had only one wife even till the age of 54. Till 50 he had only one wife Sayyidah Khadija who was 15 years elder to him and was twice widowed before. And for next 4 years his only wife was Sayyidah Sawda, also an aged lady. All, but one, of his wives were either widows or divorced. It was only at the age of 55 that four wives gathered in his marriage. John Bagot Glubb states this fact in the following words; “It is, however, worthy to note that of all his wives, only Aisha was a virgin when he married her. Zainab bint Jahash was a divorced wife and all the rest were widows, some of them, IT WOULD SEEM, NOT PARTICULARLY ATTRACTIVE. Moreover, the Apostle had married Khadija when he was twenty-five and SHE WAS A WIDOW CONSIDERABLY OLDER THAN HE WAS. He had remained completely faithful to her for twenty-four years until her death.” [7] Further he says; “In Medina, Muhammad had less and less leisure time and must often have been mentally and physically exhausted, especially as he was in his fifties and latterly over sixty. THESE ARE NOT THE CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH MEN ARE INTERESTED IN THE INDULGENCE OF EXTREME SEXUALITY. The assumption that he was a SENSUALIST BECAUSE HE HAD ELEVEN WIVES WHEN HE DIED AT THE AGE OF SIXTY-TWO IS THEREFORE NOT ABSOLUTELY A FOREGONE CONCLUSION, AS MANY HAVE ASSUMED. This is particularly so in view of the fact that he had only one wife until he was fifty.” [8] If you want more information on this refer to the footnotes. [9] So, we can discard the claim that he was in it for money, power and women. Now it is time to prove his truthfulness. Even before his prophethood he was well respected and highly trusted. [10] Moreover, in Sahih Bukhari we read of an encounter between Heraclius and Abu Sufyan. [11] Heraclius wanted to ask Abu Sufyan questions in regards to Muhammad ﷺ and he firstly asked if Abu Sufyan would tell the truth. This is significant Abu Sufyan at the time was a non-Muslim and wanted to lie in order to attack Muhammad ﷺ. “Heraclius told his translator to tell my companions that he wanted to put some questions to me regarding that man (The Prophet) and that if I told a lie they (my companions) should contradict me.” Abu Sufyan added, “By Allah! Had I not been afraid of my companions labelling me a liar, I would not have spoken the truth about the Prophet.” “He then asked, ‘Does anybody amongst those who embrace his religion become displeased and renounce the religion afterwards?’ I replied, ‘No.’ Heraclius said, ‘Have you ever accused him of telling lies before his claim (to be a Prophet)?’ I replied, ‘No. ‘ Heraclius said, ‘Does he break his promises?’ I replied, ‘No. We are at truce with him but we do not know what he will do in it.’ I could not find opportunity to say anything against him except that.” So, there you have it. Abu Sufyan confirmed that Muhammad ﷺ had never told a lie before his prophethood. It does not make any sense for him to lie after especially since we have ruled out material motives. Heraclius said “I further asked whether he was ever accused of telling lies before he said what he said, and your reply was in the negative. So, I wondered how a person who does not tell a lie about others could ever tell a lie about Allah.” Even he acknowledged how it doesn’t make any sense for him to be a liar know. Interestingly he also said “If what you have said is true, he will very soon occupy this place underneath my feet and I knew it (from the scriptures) that he was going to appear but I did not know that he would be from you, and if I could reach him definitely, I would go immediately to meet him and if I were with him, I would certainly wash his feet.’ Heraclius then asked for the letter addressed by Allah’s Apostle” We know Abu Sufyan told the truth. We continue reading, “Abu Sufyan then added, “When Heraclius had finished his speech and had read the letter, there was a great hue and cry in the Royal Court. So we were turned out of the court. I told my companions that the question of Ibn-Abi-Kabsha) (the Prophet (ﷺ) Muhammad) has become so prominent that even the King of Bani Al-Asfar (Byzantine) is afraid of him. Then I started to become sure that he (the Prophet) would be the conqueror in the near future till I embraced Islam (i.e. Allah guided me to it).” Finally, “After hearing that) Heraclius remarked that sovereignty of the ‘Arabs had appeared. Heraclius then wrote a letter to his friend in Rome who was as good as Heraclius in knowledge. Heraclius then left for Homs. (a town in Syrian and stayed there till he received the reply of his letter from his friend who agreed with him in his opinion about the emergence of the Prophet (ﷺ) and the fact that he was a Prophet.” Think about it Abu Sufyan who was a fierce enemy of Muhammad ﷺ vouched for his honesty and testified to his truthfulness. He wanted to lie about him initially but Heraclius essentially put him in a situation where either he testified to Muhammad ﷺ’s truthfulness thus being honest or be branded as a liar by lying about Muhammad ﷺ. Moreover, Abu Sufyan’s companions too could have interjected too and lied about the Prophet, but they didn’t. So, Heraclius’s friend confirmed too that he was in fact a prophet. I do recommend you read the full hadith linked in the footnotes. [12] The late Emeritus Professor in Arabic and Islamic Studies, Montgomery Watt, explains in his book, Muhammad in Mecca: “His readiness to undergo persecution for his beliefs, the high moral character of the men who believed in him and looked up to him as a leader, and the greatness of his ultimate achievement—all argue his fundamental integrity. To suppose Muhammad an impostor raises more problems than it solves” Watt, W. M. (1953) Muhammad at Mecca. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 52 So, let’s summarise, he rejected material gain of money and power. He firmly believed in his message so much so he was willing to die for it. He was clearly not in it for the women. He was known as truthful even his enemies attested to that. Its abundantly clear that he was not a liar so we can rule that objection out. What is the next objection?


Another objection is that he was a madman or that he was crazy. This is ridiculous. If he was a madman then that would mean that the teachings of the Quran would be strange moreover Islam would have died out many years ago. The Quran teaches people to stay away from immorality. It instructs people not to drink alcohol, to not commit adultery or pre-martial sex. It encourages people not to smoke. Moreover, we see in the following hadith. “Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Take advantage of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your illness, your riches before your poverty, your free time before your work, and your life before your death.”[13] In this hadith Muhammad ﷺ instructed us to take care of our health. We are told not to over eat. We are told to eat well the Prophet himself used to eat things like fruit and drink things like water. He had a very good diet and this is something we are meant to follow. John Claude Van Damme who I am sure we have all heard of (a famous non-Muslim actor) even said Muhammad ﷺ was very smart. (He was speaking in regards to foods) [14] A madman would never say these things moreover the Quran would not contain such wisdom. Read the below hadith “The sun eclipsed in the lifetime of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) on the day when (his son) Ibrahim died. So, the people said that the sun had eclipsed because of the death of Ibrahim. Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “The sun and the moon do not eclipse because of the death or life (i.e., birth) of someone. When you see the eclipse pray and invoke Allah.”[15] If he was a madman he would have jumped at the opportunity. He got angry at the people for even saying such a thing to him. How can he be a madman? Not only does this refute the claim he was a madman but it also refutes the point he was a liar. “the death of his male heir was a great sorrow to Mahomet.. That very day an eclipse occurred and the people said it was a sign of mourning. Mahomet said: The heavenly bodies do not wear a veil for the death of any human creature. Words which an impostor would not have said”[16] It makes absolutely no logical sense at all for people to say Muhammad ﷺ was a madman when the Quran has so much wisdom, it is miracle, it is free from error, it has no contradictions, it is preserved and no one can produce one surah like it. Please just read the Quran yourself. I will shortly provide some lessons from the Quran. Could this be from a man who was madman? No. People, please ponder over this one scenario. If he was a liar/madman or whatever, why would he not leap at the opportunity of coincidence with the eclipse. Why would not he not agree with the people instead he reprimanded them and in other words basically told them not be silly. This to me is an example of his genuine and honest character and to me this incident is one of many proofs of Islam. Also look at the images below of teachings from the Quran. If Muhammad ﷺ was a madman or crazy meaning he invented the Quran himself why would their be such teachings like this. This is not something a madman would say. Spongebob


An absolute stupendous claim put forward by people is that Muhammad ﷺ was epileptic. I mean how desperate can you get. If you want to see a neurologist debunk this claim then check the footnote. [17] I will briefly talk about this also. An epileptic man could still not produce something like the Quran it does not make any sense. There is a section on how Muhammad ﷺ could not have authored the Quran, which you can read as well. Anyway, look at the below hadith. “Ibn Abbas said to me, “Shall I show you a woman of the people of Paradise?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “This black lady came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and said, ‘I get attacks of epilepsy and my body becomes uncovered; please invoke Allah for me.’ The Prophet (ﷺ) said (to her), ‘If you wish, be patient and you will have (enter) Paradise; and if you wish, I will invoke Allah to cure you.’ She said, ‘I will remain patient,’ and added, ‘but I become uncovered, so please invoke Allah for me that I may not become uncovered.’ So, he invoked Allah for her.” Narrated ‘Ata: That he had seen Um Zafar, the tall black lady, at (holding) the curtain of the Kaba. The report in Arabic uses the word أُصْرَعُ، meaning “I get seizures” Why is this key? Well, if Muhammad ﷺ was epileptic and he got seizures why would someone go to him asking him to get rid of her seizures. It makes no sense at all. Its like going to someone who is mute for singing lessons. Where is the logic in that? [18] The below is taken from “The Sources of the Quran” by Hamza Mustafa Njozi Petit Mal involves momentary lapses of awareness, and more than 70 percent of patients have their first attack before age 20. In Petit Mal there are no involuntary movements and it could therefore happen so many times in a single day without interruption of consciousness. It is difficult to see how Petit Mal can be equated with Muhammad’s revelation. Revelation came to him at 40 and revelation took several minutes as opposed to the momentary lapses of Petit Mal. Moreover, revelation could never go unnoticed. The epileptic theory is probably the most problematic. In the New Encyclopaedia Britannica epilepsy has been defined: “Sudden and recurrent disturbances in mental function, state of consciousness, sensory activity, or movements of the body caused by paroxysmal malfunction of cerebral nerve cells. “Under ‘type of seizures’ it mentions four categories: “Grand mal, petit mal, psychomotor and infantile spasms.” Grand mal ‘includes generalized convulsions in which there is sudden unconsciousness with falling and shaking of limbs. ‘This falling to the ground is sometimes preceded by a loud scream. After the body falls to the ground it stiffens and sometimes respiration stops, followed by jerky movements in all legs and hands. Sometimes during these seizures, the tongue gets bitten because of the involuntary contractions of the muscles of jaws. As a person goes through this experience, he feels disoriented, confused, sleepy and may experience headache. The person will have no recollection of what happened to him. It is obvious that these symptoms are not applicable to Muhammad ﷺ (Peace and Blessings be upon him). Psychomotor and focal seizures may involve generalized convulsions. ‘Focal onset may be manifested by localized movements or sensations of a part of the body or by subjectively experienced warnings called auras that last from a fraction of a second to a few seconds. Auras arising from specific areas of the brain include illusions that the environment is strangely familiar, auditory or visual hallucinations, ringing in the ears, and unpleasant odours or tastes. Again, psychomotor seizures have nothing in common with Muhammad’s revelation. Moreover, the Qur’an which was recited by Muhammad (Blessings and Peace be upon him) is available today. When examined it does not look like the weird screams and mumbling of an epileptic. There could yet be other forms of epilepsy not known to medical science. Even then it would still be a case of a disease and would thus have affected his mental faculties making him incapable of thought control. But EVERY time Muhammad (pbuh) received a revelation he would be in complete control of himself and was completely able to recall everything after and have it recorded accordingly. He was so sure he even had this recorded in the Qur’an (75: 16-19). In fact, the Qur’an is so easy to remember that if one gathers any small number of sincere Muslims together it is possible to repeat the Qur’an from their collected memories. The Qur’an says the same thing in (54: 17). This, irrespective of whether these people understand Arabic or not.


Another objection I have heard is that Muhammad ﷺ was a truthful person he genuinely believed in his message and he genuinely believed he was prophet however he was deceived by his own delusion. Now an objection to this would be if he did hallucinate and thus suffered from delusion then surely the revelation of the Quran would contain evidence of this. In other words, the Quran would be full of errors such as grammatical errors and it also would not contain such wisdom and knowledge that an illiterate man in the 7th century living in a pagan environment simply could not have known. I believe that is in itself is a sufficient refutation to this objection. However, some may say that he still had the ability to think rationally and logically therefore the hallucinations and delusions would not have affected him in that regard. My honest thoughts with this objection is that it is a gigantic stretch and it is clutching at straws. I feel like I have addressed some of the contentions for this objection in prior objections. I do however want to add some more information that will get you to think. Firstly, I want you to ponder over the following, Muhammad ﷺ taught the Quran which was revealed to him by God. The Quran is unparalleled and still is in the Arabic language, in the sense that no one can ever produce something like the Quran. I want to now share the reactions of the recipients i.e the early Muslims. I already mentioned they described it as magic but had no proof rather just speaking out of their own whims and desires. Have a look at the below Spongebob Just ONE ayah of the Quran. ONE! One of the reasons why people may not comprehend this is because they don’t understand Arabic. I fully get that as I said I am not an expert in Arabic. But to an Arab Bedouin whose mother tongue is Arabic this was a shock for him to hear. Immediately, his reaction was “CERTAINLY it is not a human who said that.” I want you all to just reflect on how powerful that is. Spongebob Notice how the Quraysh referred to Utbah as the expert and testified that this was the case and he even knew the Quran was miraculous. He was in a linguistic shock after listening to the verses of the Quran. He went back to the Quraysh and noticed how he warned them yet they rejected to him. Another man Al-Walid-Ibn al-Mughirah says the below. Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Many people were converting to Islam it go so bad the ardant disbelievers advised one another not to listen to the Quran. Allah tells us this in Chapter 41 verse 26 “The disbelievers advised ˹one another˺, “Do not listen to this Quran but drown it out so that you may prevail.” So experts in the Arabic language in poetry in soothsaying at the time testified to the fact Quran was unique, that it can’t be from man. They even converted. How could a man who hated poetry and lived in a pagan eniviromennt, was illierate cause a reaction like you just read from people who were experts within the arabic language, is this something a man who suffers from hallucinations could do? No, it does not make any sense. We have witnesses as well to his life, people who were there. People who witnessed him receving revelation, people who witnessed him performing miracles. If he suffered from hallucinations, he would not be able to do this. Another example of a miracle is the following “Jabir bin `Abdullah said, “The people became very thirsty on the day of Al-Hudaibiya (Treaty). A small pot containing some water was in front of the Prophet (ﷺ) and when he had finished the ablution, the people rushed towards him. He asked, ‘What is wrong with you?’ They replied, ‘We have no water either for performing ablution or for drinking except what is present in front of you.’ So, he placed his hand in that pot and the water started flowing among his fingers like springs. We all drank and performed ablution (from it).” I asked Jabir, “How many were you?” he replied, “Even if we had been one-hundred-thousand, it would have been sufficient for us, but we were fifteen-hundred.”[20] Again, there were plenty of eyewitnesses to do this. How could he be hallucinating. Below is taken from Hamza Andreas Tzortzis article which I will be referencing again in the next objection. To claim that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was deluded is to argue that he was misled to believe that he was the messenger of God. If someone is deluded, they have a strong conviction in a belief despite any evidence to the contrary. Another way of looking at the issue of delusion is that when someone is deluded, they speak falsehood whilst believing it to be true. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ had many experiences during his career that, if he were deluded, he would have used as evidence to support his delusion. One example is the passing away of his son, Ibrahim. The boy died at an early age and the day he died there was a solar eclipse. Many Arabs thought that God made the eclipse happen because His prophet’s son passed away. If the Prophet ﷺ were deluded, he would have used such an opportunity to reinforce his claim. However, he did not and rejected the people’s assertions. The Prophet ﷺ replied to them in the following way: “The sun and the moon do not eclipse because of the death of someone from the people but they are two signs amongst the signs of God. When you see them, stand up and pray.” The Prophet ﷺ foretold many things that would happen to his community after his death. These events occurred exactly as Muhammad ﷺ stated, and this is not consistent with a deluded individual. For example: The Mongol invasion Six hundred years or so after the death of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the Mongols invaded the Muslim lands and massacred millions of people. A significant milestone in the invasion was the ransacking of Baghdad. At that time, it was known as a city of learning and culture. The Mongols arrived in Baghdad in 1258 and spent a whole week spilling blood. They were hell-bent on demolishing the city. Thousands of books were destroyed and up to one million people were killed. This was a major event in Islamic history. The Mongols were non-Arabs who had flat noses, small eyes, and their boots were made of hair; the Mongols had fur covers over their boots called degtii. This was foretold by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ hundreds of years before the Mongol invasion: “The Hour will not be established till you fight with the Khudh and the Kirman from among the non-Arabs. They will be of red faces, flat noses and small eyes; their faces will look like flat shields, and their shoes will be of hair.” Tunnels in Mecca and tall buildings surpassing its mountains The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ prophesied tunnels in Mecca and that the buildings of the city would surpass the tops of the mountains: “When you see tunnels built in Mecca and you see its buildings taller than its mountains, know that the matter is close at hand.” Today in 2018, anyone who visits the city—and you can find pictures online—can see these buildings that surpass some of the mountains of Mecca. The Arabic word for ‘tunnels’ used in this narration specifically refers to tunnels that have water passing through them. This can refer to Mecca’s sewer system that was built hundreds of years after the death of the Prophet ﷺ. There are many more prophesies that can be found in the authentic narrations attributed to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. A few have been brought to your attention to raise a conceptual point: the accurate foretelling of the future is evidence to support someone’s truthfulness, not delusion. The Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ teachings, character and unprecedented global impact are also strong evidence to show that he was not deluded and therefore must have been speaking the truth. Thus, he could not have suffered from delusion nor is the hallucination argument plausible.[21]


Another objection is that Muhammad ﷺ did what he did for moral reform of Arabia. Now again I believe evidences I have pasted in past sections refute this such as the evidence of the early reactions from the pagans in regards to the Quran as well as the witnesses to his life. But to say he was in it for moral reform would say he was a liar and this is simply not the case as we have already established in a prior objection. Another objection to the argument is that its logical form is unsound. For example, it could be that the Prophet Muhamad ﷺ was not lying from the perspective of being immoral. Rather, he was falsely attributing to himself prophethood for a greater good. As a social reformer, he believed that he had to make such a radical claim to transform the immoral and decadent society he was living in. This would not make him deluded, as he knew that he was not speaking the truth, and it would not make him a liar from the perspective of being immoral. He would be a moral reformer, and like most reformers he had to choose the lesser of the two evils for a greater good. This interesting objection is misplaced for a few reasons. Firstly, it is irrational to assert that a claim to prophethood would be required to make the necessary moral changes. In actual fact, the Prophet’s ﷺ claim to receiving Divine revelation was the very thing that initially prevented him from gaining any ground in changing society. He was mocked, ridiculed and abused. A reformer would not make up such a claim, especially if that claim created more obstacles to reaching his objectives. Secondly, the Prophet ﷺ went through immense hardship, yet he did not compromise or sacrifice his message. He was offered conditional political power, which meant he could change the moral fabric of society, yet he rejected power because his acceptance would mean that he would have to abandon his noble call that there is no deity worthy of worship except God. If he had been a moral reformer, he would have amended his strategy. However, he did not.


The answer is actually pretty simple The prophet (pbuh) didn’t kill anyone out of no reason out of facts they abused him for 13 years and he then went to Mecca but they went after him; people hearing war will think barbaric in fact jesus according to the gospels in his 2nd coming he will fight with the sword in revelations 17:14 and after the interpretation of antonious fekri for this verse link: https://st-takla.org/pub_Bible-Interpretations/Holy-Bible-Tafsir-02-New-Testament/Father-Antonious-Fekry/27-Sefr-El-Ro2ya/Tafseer-Sefr-Roia-Youhanna-El-Lahouty__01-Chapter-17.html#14 Let alone Matthew 10:34. So taking things out of context isn’t just ; another point I could be proud that my dear prophet stood up and defended his people to save them while your god ran away like in Matthew 4:12 your so called God called a canite a dog Matthew 15:26. The problem is jesus would have fought but Jesus was persecuted and had only 12 followers against an empire. The prophet had 12 wives but did he mistreat them he offered to all the chance to divorce but they chose him sunan al nisa’i 3203 he never hit a women nor a slave sahih Muslim 2328a he died with liberating al his slaves.and for Jesus didn’t die prophet (pbuh) did such a bad argument we believe the prophet pbuh is a human like us all Quran 18:110;3:144 so he would die so isn’t a problem but it is inappropriate for a god to die for 3 days even 1second even if so Enoch of the OT didn’t even die 1 sec so is he better than Jesus Paul was killed so is he false?; these arguments fail to interpret so much. Last thing the prophet commanded us to only attack if we are attack as in Quran 2:190;9:4;9:6 and not to kill a women a baby a priest don’t destroy a synagogue or kill only those who fight u -[al-bayhaqui-in al sunan al kubra volume 9 page 90-91 hadith 17589]. The prophet also said liberate captives that is the only source of slavery and be nice to them in sahih Muslim 1657a he also said if u strike them u must liberate them.

Argument #2 – the Qūr’ān

The claim prophet muhammed wrote the Quran is absurd He must have knowledge of the coming as well as old nation the book must be consistent and without any errrors he must have knowledge from science and history And the biggest proof is Sometimes in the same time an incident happened the revelation came down to him How can he create such amazing literature poets used to take time to make in hours. How can an illeterate man always known to be truthful as in sahih al-bukhari 7 and 4770. The claim that he is a false prophet is the second most stupidest notion ever. How can he bring an unchallengeable book while he is an illiterate man ?. That is while ignoring all the prophecies and miracles in the Quran That exceeded that even the best poets approved of its excellence as we have showed. Many people have asked for the criterias so So basically the criteria is the following the eloquence the clearness the coheviness the prophecies the wisdom no contradictions knowledge of other periods gets sharia hukm sounds well the rhymes and rimes for example there is a perfect crystal formation to water correct me if I am wrong when listening to the Qūr’ān Watch this https://youtu.be/s3DxELxeSLk Al-Qurtubi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: The miraculous aspects of the Qur’an are ten: · Its amazing composition that is unlike any kind of composition that is known in Arabic or other languages… · Its style that is unlike any other style in Arabic. · Its cohesiveness, which is such that it could not have been produced by any created being at all… · The manner of its expression in Arabic, which is such that no Arab could have come up with it, to the extent that all the Arabs are agreed that every single word is put in exactly the right place. · The fact that an unlettered man, who never read any book before and never wrote anything with his right hand, told about things that happened at the beginning of this world and until the time of its revelation; he told the stories of what happened with the Prophets and their nations, and past generations; he answered the questions that the People of the Book asked him and what they challenged him with of the story of the People of the Cave, the story of Moosa, and the story of Dhu’l-Qarnayn. Although he was an unlettered man from an unlettered nation, that had no knowledge of such matters on the basis of previously revealed books, he came to them with something the soundness of which they were aware. · Fulfilment of promises that was tangible and could be seen with the eyes. Everything that Allah, may He be glorified, promises may be divided into two categories, according to whether they are general promises, such as His promise to cause His Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) to prevail and to expel those who had expelled him from his homeland, or promises that are subject to a condition, such as when He said (interpretation of the meaning): “And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him” [at-Talaaq 65:3], “and whosoever believes in Allah, He guides his heart” [at-Taghaabun 64:11], “And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty)” [at-Talaaq 65:2], “If there are twenty steadfast persons amongst you, they will overcome two hundred” [al-Anfaal 8:65] and the like. · It tells of future events that come under the heading of matters of the unseen, that could not be known except through divine Revelation. That includes the promise that Allah made to His Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) that He would cause His religion to prevail over all other religions, as He, may He be exalted, said (interpretation of the meaning): “It is He Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam), to make it superior over all religions even though the Mushrikoon (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) hate (it)” [at-Tawbah 9:33]. And He indeed did that. Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Allah has promised those among you who believe and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession to (the present rulers) in the land, as He granted it to those before them” [an-Noor 24:55] “Indeed Allah shall fulfil the true vision which He showed to His Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) [i.e. the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) saw a dream that he has entered Makkah along with his companions, having their (head) hair shaved and cut short] in very truth. Certainly, you shall enter Al-Masjid al-Haraam; if Allah wills, secure” [al-Fath 48:27] “And (remember) when Allah promised you (Muslims) one of the two parties (of the enemy i.e. either the army or the caravan) that it should be yours” [al-Anfaal 8:7] “Alif-Laam-Meem. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur’an, and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings]. The Romans have been defeated. In the nearer land (Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine), and they, after their defeat, will be victorious” [ar-Room 30:1]. All of these verses referred to future events that no one could have known except the Lord of the Worlds or one whom the Lord of the Worlds informed about that. his indicates that Allah, may He be exalted, told His Messenger about them so that this might be proof of his truthfulness. · What the Qur’an contains of knowledge which is essential for the well-being of mankind with regard to what is lawful and prohibited, and all other rulings. · Ultimate wisdom which cannot be found in such abundance and greatness in any book written by a human being. · Harmony among all that is mentioned in the Qur’an, both explicitly and implicitly, without any contradiction. Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein many contradictions” [an-Nisa’ 4:82]. These ten aspects were mentioned by our scholars, may Allah have mercy on them. Ibn ‘Atiyyah said: The point of the challenge in the Qur’an has to do with its composition, the soundness of the ideas explained in it, and the consistent eloquence of its words and phrases. The reason for its miraculous nature is that Allah, may He be exalted, encompasses all things by His knowledge, and He encompasses all words by His knowledge. By His all-encompassing knowledge, He knows which word is fit to follow another, and how to expand upon the meaning. This is so from the beginning of the Qur’an until the end. End quote. Ustaadh Muhammad Qutub (may Allah have mercy on him) said in the introduction to his book Laa Ya’toona bi Mithlihi (p. 8, 9): During their period of ignorance (jaahiliyyah) the Arabs were a people of rare eloquence, and they were proud of their eloquence, to the point that they would call those who did not speak their language al-‘ajam (lit. dumb). This clearly indicates that they regarded others as inferior for no reason except that they could not speak the language of eloquence – meaning their own language – by which they were distinguished! Every divinely-revealed religion challenged the deniers with a miracle that was beyond the realm of human capability, so that they would become certain that it was from Allah, even if they denied it openly out of disbelief and stubbornness, as Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, tells us of the attitude of the people of Pharaoh towards the miracles of Moosa (peace be upon him): “And they belied them (those Ayaat (signs)) wrongfully and arrogantly, though their ownselves were convinced thereof” [an-Naml 27:14]. As this was the way with every divinely-revealed message, we see that Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, challenged every people with regard to that in which they excelled and which they regarded as a source of their pride. So we see that Allah challenged the people of Pharaoh with signs that surpassed the magic in which they excelled and which they used to divert people away from their Lord, and to assert the divinity of Pharaoh instead of Allah. And He challenged the people of ‘Eesa (pace be upon him) with signs that surpassed their excellence in medicine, which they practised and felt proud of their skill therein. So He gave ‘Eesa the ability to breathe life into clay, to revive the dead, and to heal those born blind and lepers, so that they would be certain that the message was from Allah: When Allah sent the final Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) to the Arabs, it was appropriate that the sign with which he challenged the deniers should be eloquence of a type and level that they were unable to match, so that they might become certain, in their own hearts, even if they rejected it outwardly, as did the people of Pharaoh. Thus the greatest miracle of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) was this Qur’an, which challenged them to produce the like thereof, but they were unable to do so. So it challenged them to produce ten soorahs like it, but they were unable to do so, apart from the worthless attempt of the liar Musaylimah, and another attempt by the false prophetess Sajjaah. Neither of them was able to convince the Arabs that anyone could produce something like the Qur’an. This is in addition to the fact that Allah willed that the miracle of the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) should abide until the end of time, and should not disappear with the people who had witnessed it, because Allah willed that Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) should be the Seal of the Prophets, and that his message should be the eternal message that would abide until the end of time. If we understand this, then we will realise the reason for the interest of Arab writers in the past in the linguistic miracle of the Qur’an, as this was the focus of the challenge, and the fact that the Arabs – who were so proud of their eloquence – were unable to produce the like thereof offered certain proof that this Qur’an was the word of Allah and was not the word of any human being and that this was proof of the truthfulness of the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and his message. But the Qur’an is not only miraculous from a linguistic point of view, although its miraculous linguistic nature is sufficient – on its own – to prove that it is from Allah, and it is sufficient – on its own – to pose this challenge to mankind and the jinn until the onset of the Hour. The Qur’an is miraculous in all the fields that it discusses, and in all areas. End quote. Then he stated that he could not discuss every aspect of the miraculous nature of the Holy Qur’an, because this would require a huge effort to be undertaken by a number of researchers. Therefore it is sufficient to mention a few aspects of the miraculous nature of the Qur’an, of which he selected the following: The miraculous nature of its linguistic style. The miraculous nature of its approach in calling people to Allah. The miraculous nature of its educational approach. The miraculous nature of its legislative approach. The miraculous nature of its scientific approach. He discussed all of these fields, and he did well – may Allah have mercy on him. And Allah knows best. Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob https://www.noor-book.com/%D9%83%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%A8-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%A8%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%BA%D8%A9- Books on Balagha: https://books.islamway.net/1/665_bhajit_blagha_01.pdf More linguistic miracles: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j-ULa2JzPG0 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=10PSnBibBYY&t=76s https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wE4k1T2Ug_4 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JMu0knhsZxQ Zachariah (May God’s peace and blessings be upon him) Zachariah is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning "God remembers". It comes from the Hebrew word zakhar, meaning to remember. The Arabic word ذكر zakar mentioned in the Qur’ān can also mean remind or remember and it’s mentioned in the context of Zachariah. Spongebob Spongebob GARDEN OF EDEN Spongebob Quran uses at the time LOST Ancient Egyptian versions of Moses Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob A last objection they can bring up that was brought up by SIIIG is how do you know it is not a spiritual being who Got it For many reasons #1 * A false prophet can’t make many prophecies and all are fulfilled * this is a presupposition christianity is true for these spiritual beings to exist, if you say it is a spiritual book so what Can we use Harry Potter against you no! If you say the Islamic Jin then that is problematic cause they can’t keep someone alive Sunan Abi dawud 4512 And they can’t make all prophecies correct since the prophets time (67:5) nor can they deliver the Qūr’ān because it orders for good and they would never do so * can a spiritual being make you alive for more than 4 years in Sunan Abi dawud 4512 a hassan hadith it is stated a Jewish women poisened the prophet then the prophet told them that this thing is poisoned his friend Bishr died at the moment this was 7 A.H the prophet died 11 A.H meaning he survived for more than 4 years with it * at last I insist as the Qūr’an said in chapter 26 210 It was not the devils who brought this ˹Quran˺ down: 211 it is not for them ˹to do so˺, nor can they, 212 for they are strictly barred from ˹even˺ overhearing ˹it˺. Every single criteria Christians pose can be applied to the Biblical prophets Making the only source is divine because of the attributes that necessitate the 4 evidence that we gave For Christians and Jews Every claim you pose on prophet Muhammad ﷺ not being a prophet can be applied at biblical prophets So know when you reject him you must equally reject biblical prophets for atheists Either you make a full atheistic (seerah) explaining how every detail of the life of the prophet happened with all truthfullness and refute every proof of prophet hood, or you go and find you another thing to do.

Final sayings

The Quran is the biggest proof of his prophethood, How can an illiterate produce a book that talks about full-filled prophecies scientific facts old stories of the past while the Bible wasn’t translated in Arabic ? It is impossible for any other source other than divine to have given this Summarizing current arguments 1- Illogical to be a false prophet 2- prophecies (mentioned in other channels) 3- illogical to write the Qūr’ān 4- Qūr’ānīc challenge 5- scientifical miracles 6- miracles Recommended videos: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DaFq_lXjTyc&t=129s https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_JbKdKS9Yyg

Argumet #3 Prophecies

Spongebob So a prophecy should be of the following conditions ^ to be a strong one. Now one prophecy I will talk about is the one recorded in Musnad Ahmad and is also scattered in some reports in our hadith tradition. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ foretold a multitude of Muslim conquests, including those of Sham, Persia, Yemen. None of these prophecies were described vaguely or with equivocation, but rather with an air of absolute certainty. Jābir b. ‘Abdillāh (rA) reports that while digging the trench outside Madinah to repel an approaching army, a massive boulder obstructed them that no ax would break. With time running out, and with people’s fears and hunger eating away at them, the Prophet ﷺ walked over and picked up the ax. He said, “Bismillah (In God’s name),” and hammered the boulder, reducing a chunk of it to rubble. He said, “Allāhu Akbar (God is Great)! I have been given the keys to Shām; I can see its red palaces at this very moment.” Then he shattered another chunk and said, “Allāhu Akbar (God is Great)! I have been given the keys to Persia; I can see Madain’s white palace.” Then he shattered the last chunk and said, “Allāhu Akbar (God is Great)! I have been given the keys to Yemen. By Allah, I can see the Gates of Sana‘a at this very moment from here.” Some context: What gives this prophecy is "Oomf" is that it was made during the Battle of the Trench. https://zamzam.com/blog/battle-of-trench/ You can check out the details of the battle itself above. The Muslims were facing a coalition of enemies with their army being roughly three times smaller. They had dug a trench and locked down the city to defend it. The water supplies and food was controlled by those outside of the camp. So obviously this is just a waiting game. Inside Medina many were showing their true colours. They were saying we should return to our city being Yathrib (used pre-islamic name to show their true allegiances and thoughts) vs saying City of the Prophet. The prophecy was made during the digging of the Trench. So it was made in the riskiest of situations. It is a very precise prophecy and has sequential order And can easily been falsified. It is also clearly unpredictable because of the context. The Muslim army was not a state power, but was facing literal extinction. There is no historian that would say the conditions were right at this time for the Muslims to take over Persia, Sham (Roman Lands) and Yemen. What is the naturalistic probability that they would have won then became a state power. Then actually conquered Sham and Persia and Yemen within 5 years with their forces effort resulting in exact sequential conquest as described? All this to spread the name of the One God as the prophecy starts with. "Bismillah (In God’s name), "Allahu Akbar"!" "I have been given" (From God) It ends with "By Allah, I can see the Gates of Sana‘a at this very moment from here.”" A1: Foreknowledge of an event is only possible if you know every possibility of every event beforehand whether or not it is actualized. A2: Only an all-powerful being has this ability. C1: If a prophecy is not explainable naturalistically then the claimant must either be God incarnate or God's agent [prophet, prophetess, etc.] or in some way in communication with God. B1: Prophet Muhammad PBUH's claims of prophecy are unexplainable naturalistically. B2: He claimed to get his prophecies from God. C2: He got his prophecies from God. For Christians [and maybe Jews]: D1: Only God has foreknowledge [See C1]. D2: God gave Satan foreknowledge of these prophecies to give to Muhammad PBUH to convince people to be deceived. C3: Christian conception of God cannot be all-good.

Some fulfilled prophecies

https://yaqeeninstitute.org/read/paper/the-prophecies-of-prophet-muhammad Mutawatir Miracles Musnad ʾAbī Dāwūd Aṭ-Ṭayālisī (293): “From ‘Abdullah: ‘The moon has split at the time of the Messenger of Allah (SAWA), so Quraysh has said: “This is the magic of Ibn Abi Kabshah, so they said: ‘wait till the travelers come to you, for Muhammad cannot enchant all of you, then the travelers came and said the same thing -that the moon was split-.’” Musnad ʾAbī Dāwūd Aṭ-Ṭayālisī (2003): “From Ibn ‘Umar that he said: ‘The moon has split at the time of the Messenger of Allah (SAWA), then the Messenger of Allah (SAWA) said: ‘Witness!’’” Musnad Aḥmad (12688): “From Anas: ‘The people of Mecca have asked the Prophet (SAWA) for a miracle, so the moon has split 2 times, so He -Allah- has said: ‘The Hour has drawn near and the moon was split -in two-.’” Mustadrak Al-Ḥākim (3758): “From Ibn ‘Abbas: ‘The moon has split at the time of the Messenger of Allah (SAWA).’” Mustadrak Al-Ḥākim (3759): “From Ibn ‘Amru about the saying of Allah (SWT): ‘The Hour has drawn near and the moon was split -in two-’: ‘The moon has split 2 times, once when we were under the mountain, and once when we were behind the mountain’” Mustadrak Al-Ḥākim (3760): “From Mut’im about the saying of Allah (SWT): ‘The Hour has drawn near and the moon was split -in two-’: ‘The moon has split when we were in Mecca at the time of the Prophet (SAWA).’” Mustadrak Al-Ḥākim (3761): “From Anas: ‘the people of Mecca have asked the Messenger for a miracle so the moon has split 2 times, so Allah (SWT) said: ‘The Hour has drawn near and the moon was split -in two-’” Sharḥ Mushkil Al-Athār (696): “From ‘Ali Bin Abi Talib (AS): ‘The moon has split when we were with the Messenger of Allah (SAWA).’” Sharḥ Mushkil Al-Athār (697): “From ‘Abdullah: ‘The moon has split in Mecca, then Quraysh said: ‘This is the magic that Ibn Abi Kabshah enchanted you with.’” Ghaybat At-Tusi P.204-205 mentions a long hadith to Al-Hussayn Ibn Ruh the 3rd Emissary of Imam Mahdi AS where he mentions the splitting of the moon. Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob This book nazm al-hadith al-mutawatir by al-kitani he has a whole chapter on mutawatir miracles here he cites the israa and mi’raj moon split getting food out of nowhere water and much more by mutawatir eyewitnesses Spongebob Spongebob Scientifical numerical miracles of the Quran https://www.kalamullah.com/Books/The%20Unchallengeable%20Miracles%20of%20the%20Quran.pdf


A response to the “subjectiveness” of the inimitability of the Qur’ān challenge Background context: The pagan Arab’s were historically the best linguists of their time Arab’s persecuted and oppressed Muslim’s and went a great deal into responding to Muhammad ﷺ by spending their money and risking their lives to stop the message. At one point historically , the leaders of the Pagan tribes collectively offered Muhammad ﷺ kingship , wealth and women for him to stop his message he refused. The argument 1. The Qur’ān comes as a linguistic challenge to duplicate something like it , the shortest chapter in the Qur’ān is 3 verses. 2. The best contenders for this challenge would objectively be the Pagan’s as they were master linguists and their primary concern and speciality in life was poetry to the point that a poem could shun an entire tribe’s refutation. 3. The Pagan’s collectively accused the Prophet of witchcraft due to the imitability of what he brought and offered kingship, money and worldly desires for him to stop 4. The Prophet did not stop and instead continue to strive in the way of God and this led to his followers being persecuted and ultimately expelled. 5. Since if the Qur’ān was a product of human hands then it would be nomically necessary for them to respond to it adequately. 6. Pagan’s risking all they have and accusing Muhammad ﷺ of witchcraft instead of responding to a simple challenge demonstrates that they are were not capable of it due to it being above their capacity. 7. The Qur’ān is a negation of nomic necessity due to the inability of the pagans to respond 8. The most likely option is that the Qur’ān is not the product of a 7th century illiterate man but rather from the supernatural since the best contenders failed.

Challenge of the Quran

The Quran challenged the Arabs to produce something similar to its power and eloquence if they believed it could be man-made. The Arabs specialized in poetry and speech and it was their pride, yet they failed in this. How, then, can a man (Muhammad SAW) who never wrote poems before bring such a text that would leave all the expert poets in the dust? It is only possible due to its divine origins. Further learning: (PDF of Book) https://iiit.org/wp-content/uploads/Miraculous-Language-of-the-Quran.pdf, (PDF of Book) https://iera.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/iERA-The-Eternal-Challenge-Shop-EBook.pdf, (Video Presentations) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6VU9_TLmvk&ab_channel=SCDawahChannel, (Article) https://yaqeeninstitute.ca/mohammad-elshinawy/the-inimitable-quran-the-revelation-to-prophet-muhammad, (Short 2m Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge9XxfiZzhs&list=PLsdT_5k9wPhH-Ezh07KWEDfp8dKy4dcKf&index=11&ab_channel=FaridResponds (Short 5m Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiyHESRE_mo&list=PLsdT_5k9wPhH-Ezh07KWEDfp8dKy4dcKf&index=17&ab_channel=FaridResponds As you see there is no logical reason to reject him how can u reject all this proof, in sharh al-‘aquidah al-tahawiyah p,(140) it states: “for whom claims to be a prophet is one of 2 things either the best of liars cause he lies on the most dangerous things or the most truthful person cause he is a true prophet” prophet muhammed has always been known as a truthful person and brought you evidence why do you reject him?

Proofs for the Validity of Islam

https://docs.google.com/document/dp/1lCHqo8rtS5dCITppcQafRRSEkH5guzdThKshRExYfms/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lCHqo8rtS5dCITppcQafRRSEkH5guzdThKshRExYfms/edit?usp=drivesdk https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=abzZL_3Av2E https://www.hamzatzortzis.com/the-prophetic-truth-why-muhammad-is-gods-final-messenger/ https://youtu.be/sxAaiAUiUbM https://yaqeeninstitute.org/read/paper/an-ethical-and-historical-necessity-the-proofs-of-prophethood-series


• Preservation of the Qur'an 1. Memorization: https://www.islamreligion.com/articles/19/preservation-of-quran-part-1/ 2. The Written Qur'an: https://www.islamreligion.com/articles/18/preservation-of-quran-part-2/ • The Authorship of the Qur'an 1. The Words of a Human?: https://www.islamreligion.com/articles/17/authorship-of-quran-part-1/ 2. The Words of a Poet or Teacher?: https://www.islamreligion.com/articles/16/authorship-of-quran-part-2/ • Did The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ author the Qur'an? https://www.islamreligion.com/articles/338/did-muhammad-author-quran/ • The Detailed Preservation of the Qur'an: https://www.islamreligion.com/articles/534/miraculous-quran-part-4/ • The Challenge of the Qur'an: https://www.islamreligion.com/articles/648/challenge-of-quran/ 1. Bring something like it: https://www.islamreligion.com/articles/651/literary-challenge/ 2. An Unmet Challenge: https://www.islamreligion.com/articles/345/an-unmet-challenge/ 3. A Challenge for Humanity: https://www.islamreligion.com/articles/550/miraculous-quran-part-11/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YvPsclOsm1I&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GdFSad1QRsc https://youtu.be/3_JcakBpoWA

Al-Samawʾal ibn Yaḥyā al-Maghribī a jewish revert (d. 570 AH) states:

“Nations, if the fathers of the Christians and others have transmitted from their fathers disbelief and misguidance that the minds reject and the sound nature repels, then it is not impossible that what the Jews have transmitted from their fathers also has this characteristic. So when I learned that the Jews have the same example as others in what they have transmitted from their fathers and ancestors, I knew that they do not have a valid proof for the prophethood of Moses except for the testimony of consistency. And this consistency exists for Jesus and Muhammad, just as it exists for Moses. If consistency indicates affirmation, then the three of them are truthful and their prophethood is valid. I also realized that I did not see Moses with my own eyes, nor did I witness his miracles or the miracles of other prophets. If it were not for transmission and the imitation of the transmitters, we would not know anything about that. So, I knew that it is not permissible for a rational person to believe in some of these prophets and disbelieve in others, because they did not see any of them nor witnessed their conditions except through transmission. And the testimony of consistency exists for the three of them. It is not rational or wise to believe in some of them and disbelieve in the others. The rational duty is either to believe in all of them or to disbelieve in all of them. And disbelieving in all of them is also not required by reason, because we find that they brought noble manners and virtues, and they urged people to virtues and prohibited vices. And we find that they governed the world with a policy that brought prosperity to its people. Therefore, I firmly believe in the prophethood of Jesus and Muhammad.” •📕 [Ghāyat al-Maqṣūd | 100-102]

📘 The Final Prophet: Proofs for the Prophethood of Muhammad

by Shaykh Mohammad Elshinawy Fourteen centuries ago, the final revelation descended upon Muhammad ﷺ. This message, Islam, spread rapidly across Arabia to nearby lands, and across the world. Today, over a billion people believe in and follow his message. But who was Muhammad ﷺ and how can we develop certainty that he was the true messenger of God? In this book, Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy shares the multitude of proofs surrounding Muhammad’s ﷺ prophethood. There are abundant comprehensive rational pathways that lead to this one certain conclusion: Muhammad ﷺ was indeed the final messenger of God to this world. What’s in the book? Six powerful ways to prove the prophethood of the final messenger Muhammad ﷺ Over 30 prophecies made by the final messenger Muhammad ﷺ that have been fulfilled Detailed logical and rational arguments to utilize in presenting the message of Islam to others. https://yaqeeninstitute.org/read/books/proofs-of-prophethood https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/4713562/Books/POP_Book_FINAL.pdf