The Prophet like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:18)
God says to the Isrealites, I'll raise up a prophet LIKE MOSES from YOUR BRETHREN
The similarly between Moses and Muhammad (PBUT) is so striking that even non-Muslim sources like
(1)-The Weekly Time Magazine
(2)-Collins Gem dictionary of the Bible
(3)-The Encyclopedia of Religion 10/121
recognize that Moses is like Muhammad (SAW)
The Qur'ān affirms Moses pbuh is like Muhammad pbuh.
Saint Augustine recognizes this passage won't convince any Jew or a Gentile that it's speaking about Jesus
Source: Contra Faustum XVI
“From your Brethren?”
Gen 16:12; 25:18 calls Ishamel brethren (of Isreal and Edom)
Hence Ishmaelites are the brethren of the Isrealites as recognized by the rabbis.
One might say, ok fine, but there's an extra phrase in dt 18:15 “Miqerbeka” (from your midst) which always is used for the Isrealites?
A: This phrase is only present in the MT which is post Islamic (9th century extant)
Scholars Recognize it's an Addition in the MT.
Rabbis acknowledge the phrase “From your Brethren” in dt 18:18 can refer to a non-Israelite Prophet.
It's even more clear from Deuteronomy 34:10 Prophet like Moses cannot be an Israelite
The SP says “There will never arise in Israel ever a prophet like Moses”
Rabbis Admit Prophet like Moses cannot arise in Israel.
The stone edition, Chumash explicitly said Among the Non-Jewish nations there could arise such prophet.
The Jewish study bible (Secular Oxford University press) explicitly said there's a contradiction b/w 18:18 and 34:10
(because they assumed 18:18 is about an Isrealite)
Hence proven Prophet like Moses can only be an Ishmaelite
Some Christians say “Muhammad (SAW) never spoken to God directly” as Deuteronomy 34:10 says
Fake new, he did spoke as been recognized by our Scholars throughout history including Ibn Kathir, Ibn Hajar, Ibn Qayyim, Sheikh ibn Uthaymeen.
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziya, he even said just like Moses.
Sheikh ibn Uthaymeen, even in creedal books we're taught
“Allah spoke to him directly without an intermediary”.